My Story:
Pain pills and the greed of the current medical model murdered my father.
And I am here to make it so nobody else has to suffer like my dad did.
My dad died at 58 from a pain pill overdose.
In his life, he was a top-notch athlete, played professional baseball, and was one of the best referees in all of New York state. His death started with a simple knee injury. He did everything the modern medical model said to do: three knee surgeries, that lead to hip surgeries, that lead to low back surgeries. Seven surgeries later, my father was reduced to shuffling around on a walker. And he was STILL IN PAIN.
This once healthy man, who never drank and never did drugs, turned to pain pills for relief. His pain pill use became a severe addiction that lead to his tragic death. I remember being ashamed of who he had become- but it wasn’t his fault. He did everything “right.” He fell prey to the business of modern “medicine.” He may have needed a surgery here and there, after a lifetime of being an athlete, but he did not need seven. Those surgeons made a TON of money off of murdering my father.
This is just the beginning of the story. Click here to learn about his passing and the worst night of my life.
I believe that this devastating experience was my dad’s gift to me.
I now have a fierce passion and a profound purpose. This heartbreak does not have to happen to other people. Changing the way pain is treated is now my mission in life.