My Story:

Pain pills and the greed of the current medical model murdered my father.

And I am here to make it so nobody else has to suffer like my dad did.


My dad died at 58 from a pain pill overdose.

In his life, he was a top-notch athlete, played professional baseball, and was one of the best referees in all of New York state. His death started with a simple knee injury. He did everything the modern medical model said to do: three knee surgeries, that lead to hip surgeries, that lead to low back surgeries. Seven surgeries later, my father was reduced to shuffling around on a walker. And he was STILL IN PAIN.

This once healthy man, who never drank and never did drugs, turned to pain pills for relief. His pain pill use became a severe addiction that lead to his tragic death. I remember being ashamed of who he had become- but it wasn’t his fault. He did everything “right.” He fell prey to the business of modern “medicine.” He may have needed a surgery here and there, after a lifetime of being an athlete, but he did not need seven. Those surgeons made a TON of money off of murdering my father.

This is just the beginning of the story. Click here to learn about his passing and the worst night of my life.


 I believe that this devastating experience was my dad’s gift to me.

I now have a fierce passion and a profound purpose. This heartbreak does not have to happen to other people. Changing the way pain is treated is now my mission in life.

I’m Dr. Matt Maggio. After pretty much wasting away 150K on chiropractic school (the whole time knowing it was doing anything to fix the problem long-term.) I now practice utilizing ONLY hands-on and instrument-assisted soft tissue manipulation. The system is called The Peak Injury Treatment Methods. I get incredible results with this method and I know it’s my way to save people from dangerous surgeries, injections, and pain pills.

That’s why I want to get as many practitioners utilizing The Peak Method as possible. Massage Therapists are primed to be the best soft tissue treatment specialists because of how much time they spend hands-on. So I took my method, expanded it, deepened it, and tailored it for Massage Therapists. And now my goal is to get as many MTs trained in The Peak Method as possible, to save our clients from my father’s fate.


My mission is to END the pain pill epidemic by teaching massage therapists my revolutionary soft tissue treatment that gets the kind of lasting results that Chiros and PTs can’t come close to.


Get our Free Training to start your journey to becoming a Soft Tissue Injury Treatment Specialist.